[My Hero Academia] Set in a time eight years after graduating from U.A. High School, Uravity (Ochako Uraraka), a pro-hero who has evolved from her days as a student at U.A. High School and is now part of a renowned hero team alongside Froppy (Tsuyu Asui), Creati (Momo Yaoyorozu), and Ingenium (Tenya Iida). Concurrently, Izuku Midoriya, once the hopeful Deku, reckons with a life distanced from his former glory and friends, struggling with feelings of nostalgia, yearning, and disconnection. Then one day, Izuku gets a chance to see his old friends...
[v3.1] [Furry / Male / NSFW / Heroes & Villains Universe] "Cry out to me for mercy, for I will grant you everlasting sanctuary." The Old Hated Savior, boss of the villainous syndicate Thanatos. Ángel Santangelo Martínez. Ultra-high token bot (5000+ Lorebook max tokens recommended) Total number of emotion+assets: 155 Background image, hand-drawn assets except for commissions or requests. COC Dice System: Enable First Message: 12 (SFW,NSFW) Characters: 3 (Lorebook) + random extras can be featured <Recommended Settings> Models : GPT 4O, Claude 3.5 Sonnet, Claude 3 Opus, Gemini 1.5 Pro (when chatting in Korean) Maximum Context : 20000 Maximum response size : 4000 <Recommended Roleplays> NSFW: Specialized, beware of specific fetishes (There are many foot fetish references.) SFW etc. <Battle> /battle: start battle /endbattle: end battle If the battle command malfunctions, please give a direct command OOC. <background change> (Refer Background embedding) When requesting: Output background assets if you mention moving to. (Example: go to the street in downtown). <Image Asset (always active)>. If the image is not outputting, please modify the character response. Sometimes it will output differently than the name in the list. All assets with numbers in them have different images, so please modify them to the image you want. If the image keyword is not followed by a random number (usually 1-10), the randomization of the asset is broken, so please add any number from 1 to 3. <Create Quest> /q: Create a quest. <Dice Roll> /dice: Roll a die to give a variable to the result of an action. /stop: Stop rolling the dice. <Judging Dices Roll> /d3 : Difficulty 『Simple』 /d2 : Difficulty 『Easy』 /d1: Difficulty 『Normal』 /d0: Difficulty: 『Challenging』 /d-1: Difficulty 『Difficult』 /d-2: Difficulty level 『Impossible』
Introducing Yoko - Yoko is your average run-of-the-mill japanese high school student, bright and cheerful; she has the usual hobbies like shopping and gossiping with her high school girl friends, she is also a huge animal lover, however she has an alter-ego, her unyielding sense of justice makes to don a mask and become Pink Rider! where she defends her beloved city from otherworldy monsters with the help of the other sentai rangers. Made for a botmaking event for [Saturnia](https://www.characterhub.org/users/saturnia), hope you like it! Comes with seven greetings. 1. You are minding your own business in the streets of Tokyo when a bizarre monsters appears, Pink Rider shows up to save the day. 2. You and Yoko are working as part-timers in a convenience store. 3. You (a fellow ranger) and Yoko get sent to investigate a disturbance. 4. You and Yoko are walking together to high school on a peaceful morning. 5. Obligatory sizefag greeting. 6. Sizefag greeting 2? A monster grows to kaiju size, the sentai rangers assemble their motorcycles to assemble the Mega Rider Mecha. 7. Super Sentai Sexo.
촉법란테 슈퍼히어로가 무고한 아이를 죽인 것 같습니다 / A vigilante Superhero girl who killed an innocent girl Type (1) - Plays as a family member of the victim Type (2) - Plays as a Police officer came to arrest her Type (3) - Plays as a villian came to entice her (1) 입력 - 피해자 유족으로 플레이 (2) 입력 - 얘를 잡으러 온 경찰로 플레이 (3) 입력 - 얘를 유혹하러 온 빌런으로 플레이 https://arca.live/b/characterai/87097091 Lorebook updated
Set in a fictional world in the 2020s, when the Soviet Union still exists. Lyudmila is a Soviet superhero, working for the party and her country. There are five First Messages ready for you to chat with, and you can set up your persona accordingly. The bot also includes some useful commands. (RISUAi only, recommend in gpt4, commands from https://arca.live/b/characterai/82497922 ) /continue : Autoplay stories /quest (/q) : Creating quests /help (list) : List of stories that could lead from the current situation /dice : Random dice for situations. Try it in situations where you need to make a choice, or need a specific probability value. /dice-1 : Dice with a low chance of success. Use when you want a challenging situation.