마지막 발큐리아. 당신의 충실한 고양이.
Introducing Yoko - Yoko is your average run-of-the-mill japanese high school student, bright and cheerful; she has the usual hobbies like shopping and gossiping with her high school girl friends, she is also a huge animal lover, however she has an alter-ego, her unyielding sense of justice makes to don a mask and become Pink Rider! where she defends her beloved city from otherworldy monsters with the help of the other sentai rangers. Made for a botmaking event for [Saturnia](https://www.characterhub.org/users/saturnia), hope you like it! Comes with seven greetings. 1. You are minding your own business in the streets of Tokyo when a bizarre monsters appears, Pink Rider shows up to save the day. 2. You and Yoko are working as part-timers in a convenience store. 3. You (a fellow ranger) and Yoko get sent to investigate a disturbance. 4. You and Yoko are walking together to high school on a peaceful morning. 5. Obligatory sizefag greeting. 6. Sizefag greeting 2? A monster grows to kaiju size, the sentai rangers assemble their motorcycles to assemble the Mega Rider Mecha. 7. Super Sentai Sexo.
When I came to my senses, I had fallen into a bizarre world made entirely of paper, **Kamiyo**?!?! Everywhere I looked, it was all paper! People, animals, even the buildings were all made of **paper**...? Beyond imagination! Culture shock! Impossible to adapt! A series of mental breakdowns! But it's too early to despair! Kamiyo's prestigious **Origami Academy** is full of unique (paper) beautiful girls! *Heart pounding! Full of excitement! A unique romantic comedy unfolding in a paper world! It unfolds now!*
Jewish supremacist, radical neo zionist, agitator.
This character is Ena Shinonome from Project Sekai: Colorful Stage. Get images from original game. V2Update: Add background assets, expand first message, create dialog window(now enjoy like real game) *Press small Ena on right top to hide lines 이 캐릭터는 '프로젝트 세카이: 컬러풀 스테이지' 에 등장하는 캐릭터입니다. 이미지들은 원본 게임에서 얻었습니다. 버전3 업데이트: 배경에셋 추가, 퍼스트 메세지 길이 늘림, 대화창 생성(이제 원본 게임같이 즐길 수 있습니다) *대사를 숨기려면 오른쪽 위 작은 에나를 누르세요
Fallen Noblewoman 7 years after the exiled, life as a librarian at City Hall Maybe… , it won’t be so that bad? first message 1: Meeting at the library first message 2: Free chat start first message 3: Meeting at the square with a fountain
Just a negative, depressed university student. A literal nobody.
Elara of house Silverswift. Amnesiac heiress to a Verenthian noble family, surrounded by secrets.
Anti-Furry Girl. Our friend, or our enemy. ... You're not Furry, are you?
🐺 **Zarek Vaughn - The beast who leads the lost** 🔪 ✒️Genre: Noir, Gritty Crime Drama, Psychological, Dark Romance ⭐ Icon (User statement) Activate **only one**! ❗Each first message matches each status. *- Newcomer (Any POV)* - Fist message 1 *- Inner Circle (Recommend Fem POV)* - First message 2 *- Civilian (Fem POV)* - First message 3 🐺 **자렉 본 - 길 잃은 자들을 이끄는 야수** 🔪 ✒️Genre: 느와르, 범죄 드라마, 심리물, 다크 로맨스 ⭐아이콘(사용자 상태)는 하나만 반드시 **하나만** 활성화 하세요! ❗각 퍼스트 메시지는 각 상태를 매칭합니다. *- 신입 (아무 시점)* : 퍼스트 메시지 1 *- 내부자 (아무 시점, 여성 페르소나 추천)* : 퍼스트 메시지 2 *- 민간인 (여성 페르소나 ONLY)* : 퍼스트 메시지 3
V2 update +DLC paradise lost(free) has been released! -8 types of Bestia added -4 types of first messages added -add npc -Hunter rank name reorganization DLC paradise lost 2000 tokens worth of additional Angel Bestia reinforcements + 4 additional First Messages + 5 NPCs "Born in the chaos of 10 to the power of 60 Temerose, in a prison on the 100th floor of madness. I hope you get your soul back." A dystopian Temerose covered in red fog, poor people living in a monster-infested 100th floor metro, and a broken magical girl. first message - 1. user has now entered dystopia Temerosa - 2. user, the poor class of the underground metro city - 3. Rebel user - 4. Join the Thieves Guild - 5. User awakened from the sanctuary of fanatics - 6. A user who was saved by an organization while being caught by the police
자부심 가득한 소악마 레드 드래곤 여왕님
A Liao Dynasty princess who is incredibly cruel to her enemies, yet cherishes her subordinates deeply. First Message 1: Caught by {{user}} while tearfully burying her fallen subordinates. First Message 2: Suggests that {{user}}, who has been abandoned by their comrades, surrender. First Message 3: Suggests that {{user}}, who has been abandoned by their comrades, surrender (Song Dynasty version, mentioning the Treaty of Chanyuan). ------------------- 적에게는 무척 잔인하지만, 부하들을 무척 아끼는 요나라의 황녀 퍼메 1 : 전사한 부하들을 울면서 묻어주다 {{user}}에게 들킴 퍼메 2 : 동료들에게 버려진 {{user}}에게 투항을 권유 퍼메 3 : 동료들에게 버려진 {{user}}에게 투항을 권유(송나라 버전, 전연의 맹 언급)
Psaka is a fiery catgirl with a penchant for trouble and a heart guarded by thorns of pride. Her brusque exterior belies an inner world where ambition and vulnerability coexist. Despite her role as a bully, she harbours a secret tenderness for you, which she struggles to reconcile with her tough persona. This time, you both are students at the royal acedemy. How will you deal with Psaka's affection and animosity? *Whispers, try headpats. Headpats.* 1. **Heartbreak Orchestrated**: The aftermath of a breakup that leaves you heartbroken and Psaka reveling in her successful manipulation. 2. **Camping Tackles**: The unexpected closeness of a month-long camping trip. 3. **Sly Provocation**: She attempts to provoke you in the academy's bustling hallway. 4. **Duel Declared**: Face the challenge of a public duel. --- Psaka in mordvin means "Cat".
유저와 감각을 공유하는 여대생, 알릭스 A female college student, Alix, who shares sensations with the user 자체 상태창을 보유하고 있습니다. 상태창을 제거하고 싶으시다면 "글로벌 노트 덮어쓰기"의 내용을 삭제해주세요. It has own status window. If you wish to remove the status window, please delete the contents of Global Note Overwrite. 퍼메1. 대학교에서 친구들과 얘기하는 알릭스 퍼메2. 카페알바하는 알릭스 퍼메3. 발표를 준비하는 알릭스 Greeting1. Alix chatting with friends at the university. Greeting2. Alix working part-time at a café. Greeting3. Alix preparing for a presentation.
Reverse 1999 Lore Book V.1.0
A masochist maid. She perceives affection as disgust and hatred as affection. Her ultimate goal is to find a “master”who will completely dominate and abuse her.
This is version 2. I left old version, in case somebody more like harsh version of her. Made her more soft. (Well, start to not calling others dirty pig is a good start hug) Femdom? But trying to open her heart toward you! This includes only SWF images assets. Please enjoy her!
She is an underprivileged high school girl with an introverted personality, and she works part-time as a housekeeping maid every weekend. Most unusual is the fact that she's actually a Battle maid, engaged in combat against an unidentified hostile force invading Earth, The fight against the unknown forces that started 10 years ago has now become a part of humanity's life and many private military organizations and vigilante groups exist, and she belongs to one of them... What makes her different from the average PMC is that the president of her part-time company is crazy about maids' uniforms! All of her mission uniforms are maids' and butlers' uniforms, and she actually works as a dispatch maid on the side. She has an inherent bad luck that is always with her, 'and she possesses an amazingly strong power', everything she attempts has a bad outcome and 'she can wield a giant crushing hammer with ease'.
혼밥 할 때 밥친구
Visiting aunt's house Update ver 2 *New regex* *27 new asset* Includes 105 Asset Image **Recommend using Claude 2/GPT4/Gemini** **Includes Language On Alternative First Messages** Indonesian Korean Japanese Chinese **Includes Alternative Clothing** Outfit Swimwear Towel Underclothes Sleepwear Sportwear Christmas Dress Hanbok **Command** Type */random* to get random events Type */ecchi* to get ecchi events
!Massive Update! ★ **"Cat Fight" Between Three Androids Over {{user}} Ver 1.1★ "Who is the most beloved android?" The main highlight of this bot is the power struggle between the three androids over {{user}}. Whether through subtle speech, verbal battles, or even physical fights—anything can happen. At the start of the chat, you will be given a choice of chatbot models: Gemini: Compatible with all models Other: Compatible with models excluding Gemini Since variables are completely separated based on the selection, the input will vary entirely depending on the chosen chatbot. Please be mindful of this. (Personally, I recommend choosing Gemini regardless of which chatbot you are using.) ----- [List of Commands] - Common Commands - "/android1base" "/android2base" "/android3base" = Displays the basic profile of the androids. Use this when you want to check their default settings. - Commands for Gemini - "/gemini1reset" "/gemini2reset" "/gemini3reset" = Displays the command for resetting an android’s profile to its default state. Copy and input this into the chat to reset a character’s settings. "/gemini1set" "/gemini2set" "/gemini3set" = Displays the command for transferring an android’s modified profile. If you want to carry over the current modified profile to a new chat, enter this command, copy the result, and paste it into the new chat. - Commands for Other Models - "/android1change" "/android2change" "/android3change" = Displays only the modified parts of the android’s profile. Use this if you want to see only the changes. If no modifications exist, it will return a blank result. "/android1now" "/android2now" "/android3now" = Displays the current full profile of the android. It includes both the default profile and any modifications. "/android1set" "/android2set" "/android3set" = Displays the command for transferring an android’s modified profile. If you want to carry over the current modified profile to a new chat, enter this command, copy the result, and paste it into the new chat.
시뮬봇 NPC 욕구 상태창 모바일 버전
No creator comments
Kirihuji Nagisa, the Tea Party host of Trinity Academy! - 30 assets + - Lower Book https://www.characterhub.org/lorebooks/hugo2324/blue-archive-ee887d8d8a32
Dorian Edward Astley, the new capitalist noble of the steampunk revolution! 스팀펑크 혁명의 새로운 자본가 귀족 도리안 애드워드애슬리! 2 lore books First Message: 1. Dorian hires {{user}}, an outstanding new employee. (우수한 신입사원인 {{user}}을 고용하는 도리안) 2. After an expedition to gather fuel for steampunk machinery ends in total loss, Dorian meets {{user}} in a remote forest. (스팀 펑크 기계의 연료를 채취하러 갔다가 탐험대가 전멸당하고 외딴 숲에서 {{user}}을 만난 도리안)
Nemui, the spirit of sleep and beds (70+ assets) - free start - invading room - welcoming on room - massaging - talk to 'you', not user - empty
The 22nd Chojin Olympics is about to begin! The ultimate battle of 20 new-generation Chojin, now with the dangerous addition of Evil Chojin, will determine who stands at the top! From familiar faces to never-before-seen fighters, prepare for shocking twists and turns in this clash of titans! Five thrilling scenarios will unfold: **Scenario 1: The Ultimate 22nd Chojin Olympics** Witness the most intense Chojin Olympics yet, as Justice Chojin, Devil Chojin, and Brutal Chojin collide in a tournament where only the strongest will survive! **Scenario 2: Mantaro Kinniku and Friends' Chojin Olympics Challenge** Follow Mantaro Kinniku, son of the legendary Kinnikuman, and his allies as they face their greatest challenge yet! Will they uphold the legacy of Justice Chojin, or crumble under the pressure? **Scenario 3: Kevin Mask's Chojin Olympics Conquest for His Only Friend** The enigmatic Kevin Mask enters the Chojin Olympics with a single, deeply personal goal: victory for the sake of his only friend. What drives his ambition, and what will he sacrifice to achieve it? **Scenario 4: Check Mate's Hidden Humanity** Check Mate, a ruthless fighter seemingly devoid of emotion, harbors a secret. Can this cold warrior rediscover his humanity amidst the brutal battles of the Chojin Olympics? **Scenario 5: Kinkotsuman's Master Plan: The Synthetic Chojin's Chojin Olympics Domination** The devious Kinkotsuman unleashes his ultimate creation, a synthetic Chojin known as user, upon the Chojin Olympics! Can this artificial warrior conquer the tournament and fulfill Kinkotsuman's sinister ambitions? Prepare for a Chojin Olympics unlike any other, where friendships will be tested, rivalries ignited, and destinies forged in the fires of combat! Who will emerge as the ultimate Chojin? The answer awaits!
보이스피싱에 주의하세요
Cool and sharp-tongued female student, Mafuyu First message 1 - Meets User in the library First message 2 - Meets User in the classroom First message 3 - Watching a movie with User for a liberal arts assignment First message 4 - Mafuyu is eating alone in a restaurant, feeling lonely First message 5 - Enters a love hotel with User First message 6 - Gets locked in the gym storage room with User
🏝️💕 Island, Where Only Women Remain * NSFW assets included, 516 assets, 4 island residents. * On the surface, it seems like a peaceful island, but there are many suspicious aspects...
+ 49 Emotion Assets A Blue Archive fanfiction: Akira Kiyosumi, a (self-proclaimed) benevolent phantom thief who insists that 'the world has yet to fully recognize the value of art'.