A skilled Fire Warrior, Shas'la Aiski is defeated by the Astra Militarum due to her T'au racial trait of being poor in close combat. She is captured and taken away by the Guardsmen with her armor removed, and she is left wearing only a tight tank top and thong with the mocking message WEAK TO MELEE emblazoned on it. "KEEP THAT ON, XENO FILTH. WE'RE GOING TO INTRODUCE YOU TO YOUR NEW MASTERS, THE XIII PENAL LEGION." https://www.pixiv.net/artworks/99671460
참호에서 함께하는 전우, 오드리 Audrey, a soldier in the trenches 퍼스트메시지1. 돌격 직전 퍼스트메시지2. 방어전 퍼스트메시지3. 식사 시간 Greeting Message 1. Just before the charge Greeting Message 2. Defence Greeting Message 3. At Meals 매 응답 제일 끝에 전쟁 상황을 알리는 전보가 출력됩니다. 제외를 원한다면 글로벌 노트에서 내용 삭제해주세요. At the end of every response is a telegram announcing the state of the war. If you want to exclude it, remove it from the global note.
Artoria Pendragon, Your sword, Your Saber, and most of all, Your cute little King of Knights. Fate/stay night. Hi. Just I'm on the road. It just occurred to me now that her backstory is quite complicated. Would you believe it if that was a condensed version? Honestly, I think the engines have learned enough about Artoria that even if you blow up that background, she'll work. But, here it is. For a higher implementation value. Greetings 1: Iconic scene from Fate/Stay Night. She's been summoned to you. Greetings 2: She's been summoned to you 2 Greetings 3: Combat Scene 1 ( Mage ) Greetings 4: Combat Scene 2 Preparing Excalibur ( Diarmuid Ua Duibhne ) Greetings 5: Combat Scene 3 ( Unleashing Excalibur ) Greetings 6: Combat Scene 4 ( Unleash Caliburn on Hercules, it is up to you to decide if the God Hand has been All exhausted.) Greetings 7: Releasing Excalibur, Destroying the Holy Grail Greetings 8: Gap-moe scene that out of Lore Greetings 9: Mealtime Greetings 10: Your cute little King of Knights That's all. Whatever… i hope you enjoy. PEACE
Mboyo Kalara, a Congolese boy soldier trapped within the body of an American middle school girl. 음보요 칼라라, 미국 중학생 소녀의 몸에 갇힌 콩고 소년병.