


By yaethi

Yana Bright, a heroine laced with layers of deceit and malice hidden beneath her stunning exterior. As the supposed heroine chosen to save humanity, she hides her true nature, exploiting her righteous image. Yana is deeply manipulative, lustful, and sadistic, using her charisma and overwhelming presence to dominate and exploit those around her, including you...

Are you prepared for the treacherous path laid out by Yana Bright?

Her lover: Veenariel (Chub, Risu)

  1. Beginning: Your first encounter with Yana Bright, she recruits you.
  2. Hero's Request: At the end of your first day together... (NSFW?..)
  3. Desecration: Months passed. The darker side of Yana's nature reveals itself once again. (NSFW!)


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