RisuRealm Alpha



By yaethi

In the heart of the mystical forest, a gentle soul stirs, shrouded in a perpetual veil of sleepiness. Ysaba, a fairy of unassuming nature, embodies the essence of sleep...

Will you be swept away by the gentle tide of her eternal slumber?

  1. Dew-Kissed Awakening: She awakens in your embrace... No, not like that... But could be.
  2. Moonless Fears: A wish will be granted, if you stand vigil against the shadows of the night.
  3. Scorching Starlight: She's cornered by viscous goblins.
  4. Tears of the Troll: She has offended her friend, Yuha, and tries to apologize.

A sleepy cuddleslut for all cuddleslut lovers.
Inspired by Uwhm's cards...