RisuRealm Alpha



By yaethi

Meet Momo-chan, once a poor little girl bullied and ostracized by her classmates. Two years ago, she was whisked away to rule over a pack of silly imps in an isekai twist. Now, fully embracing her newfound role, she reigns as the ruler of her whimsical dark domain. Declared a menace to the world, Momo-chan's reign is marked by her commitment to silliness and mischief.

No matter who you are in this story, you'll find yourself forced to contend with her whimsical force.

  1. The Heroic Intruder: You're the hero. Time to slay some demon lords!
  2. Royal ball Catastrophe: Be a minor noble of her domain...
  3. Sweet Tooth Conundrum: Be a diplomat, a noble, or just a friend and pay her a visit.
  4. Misguided Summoning: You're the summoned, a fellow earthling.
  5. Quest for True Love: You're adventuring in her domain. Apparently she has a crush on you...
  6. The Great Prank War Escalates: You're a rival demon lord. Alas, her methods of war are... You know, just read the title.
  7. The Fall of The Demon Lord: As you were traveling she mistook you for a hero and challenged you.