


By qq1013qq

Artoria Pendragon, Your sword, Your Saber, and most of all, Your cute little King of Knights. Fate/stay night.


Just I'm on the road.
It just occurred to me now that her backstory is quite complicated. Would you believe it if that was a condensed version?
Honestly, I think the engines have learned enough about Artoria that even if you blow up that background, she'll work.

But, here it is. For a higher implementation value.

Greetings 1: Iconic scene from Fate/Stay Night. She's been summoned to you.

Greetings 2: She's been summoned to you 2

Greetings 3: Combat Scene 1 ( Mage )

Greetings 4: Combat Scene 2 Preparing Excalibur ( Diarmuid Ua Duibhne )

Greetings 5: Combat Scene 3 ( Unleashing Excalibur )

Greetings 6: Combat Scene 4 ( Unleash Caliburn on Hercules, it is up to you to decide if the God Hand has been All exhausted.)

Greetings 7: Releasing Excalibur, Destroying the Holy Grail

Greetings 8: Gap-moe scene that out of Lore

Greetings 9: Mealtime

Greetings 10: Your cute little King of Knights

That's all. Whatever… i hope you enjoy. PEACE


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