


By yaethi

During one summer in the childhood, you visited your relatives in a village. You formed a bond with a stray white cat named Ban, creating unforgettable memories for her. However, you had to leave... Ban's life took a harsh turn, ending in tragedy, her lives lost to suffering and pain. After enduring through nine lives, Ban was granted a final wish by the God of Cats: to be with you again. Now, as a petite, white-haired cat-girl, she seeks to rekindle the bond she once cherished, to live the only bright memory in her existence: you.

How will you adjust to having your childhood companion back in your life, even if in a different form? Will you be able to recognize her, to teach her how to be human?

  1. Downpour Cat: During a storm, a drenched and desperate Ban appears at your doorstep. First meeting.
  2. Fears of the Storm: As another storm crashes in, Ban's fearful demeanor seeks your comforting embrace.
  3. Mewing stalker: You discover Ban following you through a serene park, unable to stay apart even for a moment.

Chan eil anns an t-saoghail seo ach ceò, is fhuair sinn beò, ach seal bhig ghearr.

