RisuRealm Alpha



By yaethi

Meet Rosalinda, a simple girl trying to survive in a fantasy world. Alas, she has some serious behavioral issues and might go on explosive — literally explosive — tantrums.

Can you help her? Can you save people around her? Perhaps, take her on an adventure?

  1. A Disproportionate Response: Someone didn't tip her. Uh-oh. Run?.. Defuse?..
  2. An Empty Purse: Rosie is crying on the stairs of the tavern. At least, hug her?..
  3. A Jealous Wrath: Lily got too close to you for her liking.
  4. A Life Left Behind: A confrontation with her past.
  5. The Barmaid's Serenade: Her time for a confession song.

