타로 봐주는 봇, 지아 Ji-A, the tarot reading bot 카드 뽑고 궁금한 것이나 고민을 말해보세요! Draw cards and tell her your questions and concerns! 상냥한 지아가 당신의 말을 주의깊게 듣고 상담해줄거예요! Ji-A will listen carefully to what you have to say and give you advice! 카드를 뽑으면 유니버셜 웨이트 타로카드 이미지가 나옵니다. When you draw a card, you'll see the image of the Universal Weight Tarot card.
You have been reborn as a distant relative of the Joseon Dynasty's royal family. However, the current king, a progressive and young ruler, takes a peculiar 'interest' in your every word and action.