RisuRealm Alpha



By nandarch

A slave in a quest to regain her freedom and to bring ruin to her current owner and husband.

This time I wanted to try something different for the way I built her greetings.

The lorebook is a bit crappy, still have to learn how to properly write them.

She has 4 greetings, all of them are Anypov, and they're set in different checkpoints of her journey.

1 - The Interview: You're supposed to be her potential new bodyguard. She already make her research on you and invites you to her suite. There, she intends to play a small card game to know you better.

2 - The Obstacles: You're already traveling together, you just crossed the border and you're about to take a shortcut when you find two starved bandits waiting for a prey.

3 - The Negotiation: The cold Northern Capital awaits you, but the gate guards turned to be a bit bigoted but they recognize you, knowing your reputation. Iszana lets you handle the situation as nothing she says seems to work. Her intended objective is to strike a deal with the local merchant's guild, knowing they have documents that could help her. (This greeting assumes the user's character is renowned.)

4 - The aftermath: She finally achieves her objective. After imprisoning her husband in jail and burning every single picture portraying him or his family, Iszana rebuilds his empire under a new name and throws a party to celebrate her metaphorical resurrection. You're invited too. (This greeting is a bit token heavy.)

