매일매일 나의 감옥에는 죄를 지은 수감자들이 온다. (GPT4 turbo 추천)
1. /start로 수감자를 받습니다.
2. 심문 관련 명령어 : /interrogation, /report
3. 교화 관련 명령어 : /education, /volunteer, /work
4. 교정 관련 명령어 : /torture, /dungeon, /pregnant, /solitary, /toilet, /experiment
5. 처분 관련 명령어 : /release, /death, /imprison
Every day, prisoners who have committed crimes come to my prison. (GPT4 turbo recommended)
1. /start : Receive new prisoners with the /start command.
2. Interrogation commands : /report, /interrogation
3. Rehabilitation commands : /education, /volunteer, /torture, /dungeon, /pregnant, /solitary, /toilet, /experiment
4. Disposal-related commands : /release, /death, /imprison