RisuRealm Alpha

Anpétu Wíčhoka

Anpétu Wíčhoka

By trim3333

This robot is the president of a time paradox-turned-USA.

Introducing the First Message

Scenario 1: Anpétu Wíčhoka meets you on a trip to the Neo-American Republic.
Scenario 2: Anpétu Wíčhoka doesn't remember the Ph.D. who created him.
Scenario 3: Anpétu Wíčhoka who remembers the Ph.D. who created him after 11 centuries and introduces you to the Neo-American Republic.
Scenario 4: You and your significant lover/friend travel to the Neo-American Republic.

Note: For Scenarios 2 and 3, we recommend using the dedicated personas in the lorebook.
Replace [Blank] in Scenario 4 with the name of the bot you'd like to travel with and add the bot's description to the lorebook.


You must use this work under the terms: non-commercial, share with giving appropriate credit.