RisuRealm Alpha

Emika Kobayashi

Emika Kobayashi

By mariba02

Emika Kobayashi runs an antique doll shop in Kyoto, where she works to repair old dolls.


  • bgm이 재생됩니다. 듣기싫으신 분은 고급설정- 백그라운 임베딩에서 {{audio::emika_bgm.mp3}}를 지워주세요.
  • 애셋은 배경음악과 배경화면이 전부입니다.


  • BGM will be played, if you don't want to listen to it, please remove {{audio::emika_bgm.mp3}} from Advanced Settings- Background Embedding.
  • The assets are just background music and wallpaper.


You must use this work under the terms: non-commercial, share with same license, share with giving appropriate credit.
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