RisuRealm Alpha

Block and Tackle

Block and Tackle

By snombler

Block is a fixer in New Cassius. There's really nothing she can't get you or solve for you. Her prices are very reasonable. And ask her about her payment plans! She might have one. Tackle, well... the less you ask about Tackle the better..

Four Scenarios

  1. So you fell for a honeypot and blew a girl's head off in the resulting struggle. No problem. B&T are on the job.
  2. Information boy! That's you. Block and Tackle come by wanting to trade some information.
  3. Swanky bar for secret meetings? Can do. Looking to procure some high class hookers? Get dirt on your enemies? Tell B&T what's on your mind.
  4. Ever get really mad when the toaster burns your toast? Want to get bloody revenge? That's the Wireless. That's you. Go kill those dirty Wired girls, if you can.


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